17 Incredible Things You Need To Do In Cappadocia (2024 Guide)

Cappadocia was one of the most magical and surreal places I’ve ever been to. From the iconic hot air balloon rides to exploring underground cities, there’s no shortage of incredible experiences waiting for you.

In this guide, we cover activities for any type of traveller, from the most amazing scenic views perfect for photos to interesting historical sites to adventurous hikes. We’ll also offer our best travel advice and important information so you can plan your trip accordingly.

Here’s our list of 17 things you absolutely must do in Cappadocia!

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1) Ride A Hot Air Balloon At Sunrise

If you’re like me, this is probably one of the reasons you chose Cappadocia as your travel destination. Riding a hot air balloon at sunrise over the beautiful Cappadocian landscape is a bucketlist opportunity. Soaring above fairy chimneys and is an experience like no other.

There are so many companies that offer this amazing experience, but I chose Royal Balloons for a number of reasons:

1) They have some of the highest safety standards

2) They are highly regarded as being one of the best hot air balloon companies and are even awarded the #1 Traveler’s Choice for hot air balloon rides on Trip Advisor

3) They get amazing reviews across all platforms such as trip advisor, viator, get your guide, etc.

We started the day at being picked up at 4am, then treated to a delicious breakfast at a local restaurant before heading to a field at 5:30 where the hot air balloon take off. The next hour we spent soaring over the Cappadocian landscape with the colorful sunrise in the background. The excursion concluded with a champagne toast and a medal ceremony.

The whole team was amazing from the pilot to the ground crew to the drivers. From start to finish, our trip with Royal Balloons was well organized, and I would book again with them in a heartbeat.

The hot air balloon ride was one of the highlights of my trip to Turkey. Make sure you book your hot air balloon ride on your first possible day. They can sometimes get cancelled because of the wind conditions so you will be able to rebook in case of cancellation.

Travel Tip: Royal Balloons books out far in advance because they are such a popular company, so make your reservations as soon as possible!

2) Photo Shoot At A Carpet Store

For a unique photo opportunity in Cappadocia, visit a carpet shop to take pictures amongst the colorful carpets.

While there are so many carpet shops to choose from in Cappadocia, I went with Galerie Ikman: a popular carpet shop known for their beautiful backdrop. I have recently read some negative reviews about the owner being rude to customer’s who paid for photo’s at this shop; however, my experience with all that was very friendly and pleasant.

One staff member took photos for us and changed the settings on my phone to get the best pictures. These were some of my favorite photos from my trip. The price can vary usually between 10 and 15 dollars to take pictures.

Travel Tip: To get a better rate and secure a time slot: contact them on Instagram before hand to schedule a time and negotiate a price.

3) Sip On Turkish Coffee

Trying a cup of authentic Turkish coffee is a must-do when visiting Cappadocia. Turkish coffee is made with very finely ground coffee beans mixed with water and sugar and brewed in a pot called a “Cezve”.

Turkish coffee has a very strong taste to it. Before brewing it, your server will ask you how sweet you would like it. The sugar is added to the coffee as it is brewed so you do not add any sugar or milk afterwards.

While there are so many great coffee spots to choose from in Cappadocia, I really loved Coffedocia which is centrally located in Goreme. This was actually the first place I tried Turkish coffee. The coffee was delicious and came with a sweet treat. The staff was also very friendly and helpful.

Fun Fact: One old tradition involving Turkish Coffee is that bride serves coffee to her future groom and his parent’s, but put’s salt in his coffee instead of sugar like in all the others. The groom is expected to finish the cup of coffee without a big reaction to show his devotion to his future wife.

4) Visit The Goreme Open Air Museum

The Goreme Open Air Museum is a historical settlement built during the Byzantine period and dates back to the 10th century. This UNESCO World Heritage site features churches and montaserries carved into rock and decorated with ancient religious paintings. It’s undoubtedly a must-see when visiting Cappadocia.

It showcases such an interesting point in history where many different groups of people have occupied over time. The views are amazing and you’ll get to explore churches with beautiful frescoes which are well preserved. Pictures are not allowed inside to preserve these paintings.

We spent over an hour exploring this beautiful site and learning about the rich history. There is a lot of uphill walking and some climbing so wear comfortable shoes.

You can visit the Goreme Open Air Museum on your own or with a tour group. I visited while I was on the “Red Tour” which . I would recommend going with a tour group as my guide was very knowledgeable and taught us a lot of interesting information about the open air museum.

If you are interested on visiting on your own, it is about a 25 minute walk from Goreme city center. The museum costs 300 lira which comes out to about 15 dollars.

If you would like to visit with a small group on the “Red Tour”, Click Here!

5) Watch The Hot Air Balloons At Sunrise

The only thing better than riding on a hot air balloon at sunrise is waking up early and viewing them from a terrace at sunrise. Watching the hot air balloons rise above fair chimneys in the horizon with colorful sky is another buckelist oppotunity you need to check off while in Cappadicia.

There are places you can watch the hot air balloons at sunrise, but my favorite was at the famous terrace at Sultan Cave And Suites. You are only allowed to access the terrace at sunrise if you are a guest at the hotel (although you can visit the terrace at other times of the day if you are dining at the restaurant).

The hotel sets out several different “sets” of breakfast foods where you can sit and take pictures. The food is not actually edible, just set up to look as if you are indulging in a fancy breakfast. While there are around 4-5 set props, there are other areas of the terrace where you can take photos.

The terrace can get pretty busy in the morning, but the hot air balloons soar above the horizon. I would recommend just enjoying the view for the first 20-30 minutes before you attempt to get a spot for photos. Also, once you take a few pictures at one of the sets, let others use and enjoy the sets.

Travel Tip: If you are interested staying in this hotel, make sure you book ahead of time as it fills up months in advance!

6) Hike Down Ilhara Valley

Visiting Illhara Valleys adds some nice greenery into your Cappadocian travels. This beautiful valley not only is the perfect way to spend a peaceful day away from the crowds of the city, but also has so much to explore including cave churches and montesarries.

You’ll first arrive at the entrance of the valley overlooking the green and lush gorge before climbing down a series of steep steps (about 350). Once down, you can walk along a beautiful river which flows through the valley.

About half way through the route, you’ll come across a cafe on the river. This the perfect place to enjoy a cup of apple tea and rehydrate. The cafe has many floating lounge areas for you to relax and take in the scenery.

As you continue on, you’ll come across more ancient churches with frescoes. You’ll notice that in many of the paintings, the eyes of the eyes are scratched out. This is because

This peaceful hike is a must-do when visiting Cappadocia. It’s not super strenuous and is the perfect way enjoy some peace in nature.

You can visit Ilhara Valley on your own or on a group tour fittingly named the “Green Tour”. I would recommend visiting on the tour as our guide shared plenty of interesting historical facts along the way.

To visit Ilhara Valley on the Green Tour, Click Here!

7) Take A Cooking Class At King’s Valley

Cappadocia had some of the best food with the freshest ingredients from any place I’ve visited! This cooking class at King’s Valley is the perfect way to bring some of this delicious cuisine home to friends and family.

Not only is the food amazing, but it’s located in a beautiful, remote farm in Cappadocia.

This meal was one of my favorites from Cappadocia with so many options from lentil soup, to fresh salad, to stuffed zuchini and peppers.

To check out pricing and availability for this cooking class, Click Here!

8) Explore Derinkuyu Underground City

Another incredible underground city where 20,000 people had lived in at one time. It was such an amazing piece of history to learn about and explore in person.

There are 8 floors of tunnels open to explore and it is the deepest tunnel complex open to the public in Cappadocia today.

If you are clastrophobic, this is not somewhere I would advise you visit as some of the tunnels were narrow with low ceilings in many areas.

Travel Tip: If there is one place I would reccomend definitely going with a tour group it would be this one as it is quite a labyrinth and there is so much history to this underground city.

To Visit Derinkuyu Underground City on the “Green Tour”, Click Here!

9) Explore Pasabag Valley (Monk’s Valley)

This breath-taking spot is filled with fairy chimneys other whimsical rock formations. Here, you can learn about the history of these beautiful rock formations which were carved out by water.

You can also explore the cave homes built into the rock formations which were occupied by monks in the Byzantine era.

The valley is pretty spread out so it never felt too crowded while we were there. You can get to this location by bus or visit with a tour group. An hour is a good amount of time to allocate to this beautiful spot.

To Visit Pasabag Valley on the “Red Tour”, Click Here!

10) Explore Devrent Valley

Devrent Valley aka Imagintation Valley is a cool spot to see different rock formations that resemble different animals and objects. One of the most well known rock formations in the valley is one the resembles a camel.

This is a cool sight to see in Cappadocia, but won’t take up a ton of your time. I would recommend allowing around 30 minutes to visit and spot the different figures in the rock formations.

If you are touring on your own, there is a parking lot with free parking. Otherwise, you can visit Devrent Valley as a stop on the “Red Tour”.

To visit Devrent Valley on the “Red Tour”, Click Here!

11) Visit Uschicar Castle

Uschicare Castle is another must-visit while you’re in Cappadocia. This castle situated on a hill overlooking the city is the highest point in Cappadocia and has the most beautiful views from the top.

I would definitely recommend paying 15lira to climb the spiral staircase to the top for the amazing panoramic views.

The castle was previously used to defend the city from sudden attacks.

You can visit Uschicar Valley on the “Red Tour”, Check It Out Here!

12) Feed Pigeons At Pigeon Valley

Another stunning Valley in Cappadocia, Pigeon Valley overlooks tall rock formations and caves. You even have a beautiful view with Uchisar Castle in the background.

Like the name suggests, Pigeon Valley is home to hundreds of Pigeons. You can buy feed at the nearby store to take amazing photos as the pigeons swarm around you.

In the past, pigeons were very important in Cappadocia as they were used as messengers and their dung was used as fertilizer and to harden the walls of the cave homes.

If you decide to visit Pigeon Valley on your own without a tour group, beware of aggressive stray dogs in the area. Recenlty (as of August 2023), there have been reports of the stray dogs attacking tourists that hike down into the Valley.

To visit Pigeon Valley on the “Green Tour”, Book Here!

13) Shop At Local Markets

Walking down the streets of Cappadocia, you’ll find a plethora of different shops with friendly shop owners. My favorite purchases from Cappadocia were a set of Turkish coffee cups, jewellery, and local pottery. One of the most popular items to buy from Cappadocia is a Turkish rug.

14) Visit A Pottery Studio In Avanos

In addition to the beautiful landscapes, the town of Avanos is well-known for it’s beautiful pottery. Avanos has several pottery workshops where you can watch local artists create traditional pottery.

When I visited with a tour, after watching the demonstration by the local artist, I was able to try my hand at making some pottery.

Afterwards, we strolled around the gallery where we could buy traditional pottery made by local artists. Many of those artists were on site working.

One of my favorite purchases from my trip to Cappadocia came from this gallery. I purchased a “Hittite” wine pithcer which is a traditional Turkish wine pitcher. This is definitely a steeper price than you might pay at a store, but the fact that it came from local artists makes it worth it.

To Visit An Avanos Pottery Workshop on the “Red Tour”, Click Here!

15) Visit Love Valley

Love Valley has some of the most breathtaking panoramic views. This valley has clusters of fairy chimneys which were created over millions of years by volcanic eruptions.

Love Valley is the perfect spot for some photo opportunities. You’ll find different heart shaped and circular shaped bench set ups for you to take photos.

Around 30 minutes is a good amount of time to take in the beautiful view and take pictures at the photo points.

You can visit Love Valley as part of the Red Tour; Check It Out Here!

16) Watch The Sun Set At Sunset Point

Not only does Cappadocia have beautiful sunrises, but it also has some of the most amazing sunsets. Sunset point is one of the best spots in the city to watch the sunset over the Cappadocian landscape.

Located about a 15 minute walk from Goreme city center, this spot is easy to get to, but does require walking up a few steep inclines. Once at the top, it’s totally worth the stunning view.

It does require a 3 lira entry fee per person, but it’s worth every penny. This is a nice spot to visit at any time of the day, but the views are particularly breathtaking at sunset. It’s also a popular spot to watch the balloons take off at sunrise.

17) Enjoy Turkish Cuisine

And finally, one of my favorite parts of Cappadocia was indulging in their cuisine. Every place I ate at had the most delicious food at the most amazing prices. The average cost of a meal for me which included fresh bread, a meal usually consisting of chicken or beef, and a glass of wine typically cost under 10 dollars.

While there are so many amazing restaurants in Cappadocia some of my favorites are:

  • Topdeck Cave Restaurant
  • Sultan Cave Suites
  • Coffedocia
  • La Vida A La Carte
  • Inci Cave Restaurant

We’d Like To Hear From You!

We hope this list of 17 things to do helps you make the most of your time in Cappadocia! It’s a beautiful city with so much history, delicious food, and wonderful people.

Have you been to Cappadocia? What were your favorite activities you did and are they on this list?

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