7 Easy And Flexible Side Hustles To Fund Your Travels

Looking for some realistic and flexible ways to make money to fund your travel adventures? We have you covered with 7 different, flexible ways to earn money.

None of these options are gimmicky, get rich quick schemes, but they’re actually ways that we have personally made money, and many of these you can take on the go as you travel.

While these will most likely not replace your 9-5 salary, they’re great options whether you’re trying to fund an upcoming trip or currently traveling the world and looking to earn some extra cash.

Check out these 7 legitimate ways to make money for your travels!

1) Take Surveys

One of the easiest and most flexible ways to make money as you travel is through completing online surveys. Survey apps are so convenient because you can do them from anywhere and anytime, whether you’re waiting around the airport or right before bed. The majority of the surveys take less than 15 minutes. Two of our favorites are Attapol and Prolific.

The first survey app that I got started with was Attapol. They are one of the few survey sites that have their own app which makes it extremely convenient. It takes only minutes to sign up and you can get started right away.

Attapol is one of my favorites because they consistently have surveys to take every time I open the app. Starting out, you’ll mostly see low paying surverys typically ranging from $0.50-$1.50, but give it a few weeks and you’ll start seeing the higher paying surveys.

My first week using attapol, I was easily able to make just over $35 by doing apps in my spare time, like when I was watching TV or before bed. The more consistently you use it, you’ll start seeing higher paying surveys.

You can make money with Attapol within minutes of signing up. Get started here!

The other survey company we love is Prolific. This is one of the highest paying surveys companies, but it can take a while to get started because they have a wait list. It took me about 3 weeks to get approved after applying, but I have heard of it taking months for some people to get approved.

Prolific has a long wait list, so sign up as soon as possible here!

While you won’t get rich of these survey apps, the money you make from them can go a long way, especially if you are traveling around areas such as Southeast Asia or South America.

2) Data Annotation

One of the newest and highest paying ways to make money online is through data annotation work. The most popular website for this is DataAnnotation.tech.

Right now, this site is very popular so the wait period can take months. After signing up, you will receive a starting survey where you will answer basic questions about yourself as well as complete some creative writing activities.

After getting approved to work (this can take months), you will be emailed when new assignments are available which can all be done remotely. The typical pay per hour ranges from about $20-$30.

While we are not allowed to talk about the tasks specifically, the basic jist is that you are completing tasks which helps to train AI.

To learn more about data annotation and to sign up with DataAnnotation.Tech, follow this link here

3) Give Your Opinion On UserInterviews.com

Another gem for flexible and easy online work is userinterviews.com. User Interviews is a market reaseach website where you can earn money by participating in online focus groups, 1 on 1 interviews, research studies and website tests. It is very simple to sign up and you can begin applying to studies and interviews immediately.

Some studies specify that you must have a computer with a webcam to participate, but there are still plenty of others that allow you to complete the interview with your smartphone.

The studies typically pay very well with prices range from around 30 dollars to hundreds of dollars. Below is an example of the types of studies you can apply to.

The payment method also varies by company. Some will pay directly through PayPal while others will pay in the form of a gift voucher.

To sign up for UserInterviews.com and receive $10 when you complete your first study, follow this link!

4) Walk Dogs With Rover

If you have previous experience working with animals or if you have had pets in your family, then the Rover app is perfect for you. Rover is a service that enables you to pick up jobs mostly walking dogs but there are also pet owners who need drop in visits and house-sitting gigs for animals such as cats, rodents and birds.

Once you make an account you will pay a $35 fee to cover your background screening which can take a number of business days to complete so be sure to start this before your travels. The Rover app makes it convenient to change your location, so we recommend changing this to your travel destination before arrival to get a head start with making contacts and getting hired for jobs.

Any job you acquire through Rover does not need a lot of equipment and the leash etc. is normally provided for you which makes this a perfect job for when you’re travelling light.

To start making money by walking dogs and pet sittings, sign up with Rover with this link!

5) Deliver Food For UberEats

Another flexible side gig that pays well is delivering food with Ubereats. Although you make more money with a car, you can still make around $20 per hour delivering food on foot or with a bike.

UberEats is available in 45 countries and is a flexible way to make some extra money on the go.

I was able to make over $200 by delivering food for UberEats in just 2 days working less than 8 hours total.

Another plus to working with UberEats in a new place is that you learn about the areas best and most popular restaurants.

If you don’t feel comfortable delivering food in a new country, it can still be used as a great means of extra income before you leave for your trip.

You can get started with UberEats with this link here!

6) Refer Your Friends To Rakuten

Rakuten is a cash back app that allows you to earn money back on everyday purchases. They also have some amazing cash back offers on travel sites. When you book a hotel with Expedia via Rakuten, you will earn a percentage of your purchase back.

Right now, they have an amazing offer from 10/1/23-12/31/23, you can make $30 for each friend that you refer after they spend $30.

This is actually an app that I have been using since 2018. You can make hundreds of dollars back from purchases you were already planning to make such as hotel rentals or flights. And you still book through your preferred site such as Expedia or TripAdvisor. The allows you to double-dip on the rewards because you earn money back for your bookings and at the same time, earn rewards points for your preffered travel site.

While I use Rakuten mainly for booking hotels, there are so many ways to earn cash back related to travel such as through viator or tripadvisor.

Start making money with Rakuten by referring friends and earning cash back. Sign up here!

7) Write A Travel Blog

A fun and potentially lucrative activity you can do while travelling is write about where you visited and post your work online.

Today, more than ever, people of all ages and backgrounds are jumping at the opportunity to fly around the world to experience new surroundings and cultures.

This is understandably a little bit daunting for most which is where online resources come in to play for anyone planning their trip. If you can attract clicks on your articles that give valuable first hand knowledge to fellow travellers, you can earn a steady income through sponsored advertising and affiliate links.

We’d Like To Hear From You

We hope these 7 flexible, money making ideas help to fund your travel plans!

Do have any other side gigs you use to make money while traveling? Have you successfully used any of the ideas above?

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